
Expo : ‘UNDER THE PIXELS, THE MATTER’ The digital revolution as seen by four artists

The Pont du Gard site is pleased to announce its 2024 exhibition in partnership with Echangeur 22 and Labirinto from 13 September 2024 to 5 January 2025.

‘UNDER THE PIXELS, THE MATTER’ The digital revolution as seen by four artists
MONA KIM (France)

Pont du Gard
13 September to 5 January 2025

‘Under the Pixels, the Matter’ invites four international artists to question the relationship between the real and the virtual, through works that blend nature and artifice.  Régina Silveira, Ana Maria Tavares, Mona Kim and Nicolas Tourte propose works, including a series of new in-situ productions, that oscillate freely between physical and digital matter, stimulating new ways of seeing and conceiving the digital as an instrument of plastic creation: from video mapping to augmented reality, via photography, sculpture, video and multi-support installation.

Based on an idea by the artist residency l'ÉCHANGEUR22, and the LABIRINTO laboratory for the development of new curatorial and ethical technological practices, with the critical collaboration of Viviana Birolli, the PONT DU GARD presents a resolutely transgenerational and transcultural exhibition with several voices, promoting an ethical and artistic use of the digital.  

The exhibition will be presented on the left bank of the Pont du Gard site in several locations, both indoors and outdoors: in the Pont du Gard exhibition rooms, but also in the surrounding area and on the bridge itself.
